Footprint raises $13M Series A led by QED Investors. Read more
Fresh from the vault


May 15, 2024

Multi-document requests for information
Image of

Alex Grinman

Footprint has a host of tools to help manual reviewers make the right onboarding decisions – now you can request multiple documents from users (sent by Footprint automatically) without any additional code.

May 13, 2024

Device Insights
Image of

Alex Grinman

We've redesigned and updated the Device Insights on Footprint's User detail view. You can now inspect all the devices and their locations that a user used for onboarding and authentication.

May 10, 2024

Custom Document Requests
Image of

Alex Grinman

During manual review, you can now request users upload arbitrary documents to get additional information for an informed decision — all with no code. Simply go to a specific user’s detail view, click request a document, and select “Custom” from the drop-down. Give your document a name, add a description, and set an identifier — you can choose to either send this link directly to the user via Footprint SMS or copy the link and send via your own channel. Once the user submits the document, you’ll be able to decrypt and review it from the Footprint dashboard.

May 6, 2024

Copy/Duplicate Playbooks
Image of

Alex Grinman

A heavily requested feature: the ability to copy/duplicate playbooks from sandbox to production has finally landed! Now you can easily take a playbook and duplicate it, make edits, all across environments.

May 2, 2024

Rules Back-testing
Image of

Alex Grinman

Changing verification decision rules is scary — maybe you’ll hurt your verification rate or introduce new fraud loopholes. Now going forward, every time you change a rule in Footprint, we’ll automatically sample hundreds of users you’ve already onboarded and show you how the new rules affect that change. Backtesting lets you make rules edits with confidence!